Barefoot Intention

Barefoot Intention
Barefoot Intention was formed to help others approach their lives with intention and find renewed purpose. We believe this can be achieved by being recognising and getting back in tune with our core beliefs, simplifying the excess, establishing positive relationships and looking after our body and mind.
Origin Story
It started with a moment that may be familiar to you all. A simple asking of the question “Is this it?”. A decade of workaholism had left behind a trail of broken commitments in all areas of my life that really mattered. I had been people pleasing all the wrong people and was on the brink of burnout. Deep in the throes of this I had the stark realisation that the core had essentially been hollowed out. There was very little of me left, I had been pursuing all the wrong things, pleasing all the wrong people and I had to start over. It was time to rethink everything and build back from the ground up.
From there it was time to start asking myself a lot more questions. ”Who am I?” “What do I want?” “What would make a meaningful life?”. How could I starting working to live rather than living to work. As the questions started to flow, I was able to look around me with fresh eyes at the things that surrounded me and there were more questions. “Why do we have so many of these?”, “Does this add value to my life?”.
The Next Chapter
The path that will bring each of us to the concepts of living intentionally, minimalism, grounding and mindful meditation will look very different. Whatever the reason you found us here, I hope you’ll stick around and find something that inspires you to take that step to a more intentional life.
Join us on this journey and start living intentionally!
Barefoot Intention: Simplify Your Life, Discover Your Purpose